Using CBD Topicals: CBD Massages
We have all heard how great CBD is and of course the all newest trends have CBD in everything! You will find CBD oil dropskw177 you can put in a smoothie and CBD cookieskw691. There are even keto CBD recipekw708 to make your own edibles at home. You name it! You can even find classes that offer CBD yogakw711 and there is also research showing the benefits of using CBD for PMSkw722, as a way to treat pain, and even to treat simple skin problems like acne or rosacea.
But how can you use CBD oil topically for a deeply relaxing CBD massage and get the best results? In this informative guide to using CBD topicals in your massage treatments, you will find out how to enhance the unbelievable health benefits of CBD massages and have a fantastic spa experience you are sure to love.
Benefits of a CBD Massage
- Ultra relaxing and calming
- Reduces anxiety and melts away tension
- Helps reduce pain and inflammation
What Are the Benefits of Using CBD?
Modern science has given us insight into how CBD works with our bodies and what the benefits of using CBD daily can do for a healthy lifestyle. So first, let us look at why using CBD topically works.
Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Kind of weird to think of it that way, but it is true. And for this reason, it is super important to take extra good care of it. Your skin is the first line of defense from environmental stressors and pollutants, bacteria and viruses, and it is the first thing people see when you are trying to make a good impression.
It is also affected by CBD so strongly because your body already has a naturally occurring endocannabinoid system with receptors just waiting to grip onto a flood of CBD which helps regulate bodily functions from mood to digestion, and definitely how your skin appears.
For these reasons, CBD helps your skin look its best by reducing inflammation, easing anxiety and stress, promoting restful sleep, and even regulating your skin’s oil production. The more we find out about CBD, the more we learn how it also eases body aches and pain, can treat headaches, and helps sore muscles recuperate after injury or exercise. This is why CBD massages are so fantastic!
CBD Oil and Massages
A CBD oil massage is only different from a normal massage in that the product used (CBD oil) is replacing the standard massage oils and creams that many people have become familiar with. Most spas will allow you to bring in your own oils and some even offer CBD oil massages right there already. Just call ahead to the spa you want to go to to make sure they offer a CBD oil for massages or if you will need to bring your own. From there, you simply choose the style massage you want and experience all the amazing benefits of CBD.
How to Prepare for a CBD Massage
Prior to any massage, you want to prepare in advance to get the maximum benefits. Use a hemp sugar scrubkw639 at home the morning of your massage. This will remove any dry, flaky dead skin and allow the healthy skin beneath to absorb the CBD oil as much as possible.
It does not hurt to do a little relaxing before the big massage either. Make a whole day of it, not just the hour that you have scheduled with the masseuse. This way you will be ultra relaxed and the massage will be the ultimate finish to the most relaxing day ever. Try soaking in a hot tub using a bath bomb with CBDkw640. CBD bath bombskw636 are the perfect way to get ready for your CBD massage. The best CBD bath bombkw638 to use is a scented CBD bath bombkw641 that can make the experience extra special, like a decadent vanilla CBD bath bombkw642.
But no matter how you choose to prepare, the most important thing is to just relax and enjoy the experience. Do not worry about getting dolled up or trying to impress anyone. Just be your authentic self and let the CBD take you away.
What to Expect During a CBD Massage
If you have had a massage before, you know that you can talk to your masseuse about the technique you prefer and what your ultimate massage goals are. Do you want a deep tissue CBD massage for muscle healing or do you want a light touch massage to help melt away the stress of the workweek? If you have never had a massage, do not be shy! Your massage therapist is used to all sorts of clients with various conditions and being honest about what you expect and what your concerns are will help your massage therapist treat your specific ailments.
You will likely be asked to disrobe to your comfort level and lay face down on a massage table. The table will have a hole in it where your face fits into so that you can lay there, most comfortably. The masseuse will begin the massage with some light touch to get your body used to the experience and then add the CBD oils you want.
Do not be surprised if you fall into a deep meditative state. As you begin your mind may race to other things like workload or other responsibilities, but as your CBD massage journey continues, you will find that you cannot help but relax and let the CBD take your mind to distant dreamland. An hour will fly by in what seems like minutes and before you know it, you will be rescheduling a CBD massage on your way out the door, feeling the best you have in a long time. Too long!
If you have body pain or anxiety, stress that makes your neck and shoulders tighten up, then you are in desperate need of a CBD massage. Hopefully this information help motivate you to schedule one today!
Sugar & Kush CBD Helpful Links
Find out how CBD with no THC can be safe for drug tests.
Using CBD oil for anxiety and the benefits of using CBD Oil for anxiety are popular topics of studies world-wide.
Using CBD oil for pain can be a safe and effective way to find relief of symptoms for women.
CBD edibles can be an effective CBD product for pain relief, especially with our popular recipes for CBD baked goods.