It is very important to make sure you are consuming safe CBD products by looking for third party lab tests.

Staying Safe When Consuming CBD

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is one of the most abundant chemical compounds in the hemp plant. While tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis, CBD is considered non-psychoactive and is mainly consumed for purposes outside of recreational use. As it doesn’t produce any mind-altering effects normally associated with causing a high “feeling,” CBD is regarded differently than THC and cannabis as a whole. Though, it depends on the state specifically, all throughout the U.S. CBD products are being sold practically anywhere you can purchase everyday essentials.

With the popularity of CBD in the form of oil combined with the somewhat unclear laws surrounding it, it’s important to make sure you’re being safe when purchasing and consuming. Understanding the laws in your state, where to purchase CBD, and what product is best for you are all crucial to know before beginning your CBD experience.

CBD’s legality is debated daily. On a federal level, it’s legal to cultivate hemp for medical and research purposes under the Farm Bill. However, the plant cannot contain more than .3% THC or it is technically considered marijuana, which is federally illegal.

Due to the passing of the Farm Bill, though, individual states have created their own laws and regulations surrounding the sale and production of CBD oil. Almost all of the states in the country, save three, allow the sale of CBD products. Unfortunately, even in places where CBD is technically legal, the repercussions for selling the products can be punishable by law if not strictly followed. That said, it’s incredibly important to be aware of the laws surrounding CBD in your state specifically, as federal law does not hold precedence.

Be it your local health and wellness stores, smoke shop, or a gas station, buying CBD oil is tricky, especially if you’re not in a state where cannabis is legal recreationally or medically. It mainly boils down to a few things: the source and quality. Products purchased from less than reputable sources more than likely have not undergone the strict and rigorous measures necessary to guarantee safety and quality. In fact, most CBD oil products sold online or in non-licensed shops are mislabeled, and often contain more THC or less CBD than they claim. Luckily, the cannabinoid is non-psychoactive so it won’t cause a ‘high”, nor does it possess overdose, withdrawal, or addiction potential. Given the confusing legality of the cannabinoid, It’s quite common for those who aren’t well-schooled to purchase impure or low-quality products that may not work the way it was advertised.

When it comes to buying CBD oil, research is key. There are plenty of reputable CBD brands out there, you just have to find them to help guarantee you’re buying only the highest-quality, legitimate CBD oil products on the market. As the country works its way through properly regulating CBD, It’s best to conduct your own research and also make yourself familiar with the current legality of the cannabinoid to ensure you stay on the ride side of the law.

Sugar & Kush CBD Helpful Links

Find out how CBD with no THC can be safe for drug tests.

Using CBD oil for anxiety and the benefits of using CBD Oil for anxiety are popular topics of studies world-wide.

Using CBD oil for pain can be a safe and effective way to find relief of symptoms for women.

CBD edibles can be an effective CBD product for pain relief, especially with our popular recipes for CBD baked goods.

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