A CBD company recently fabricated a quote from Tom Hanks suggesting that he was endorsing their CBD brand.

How Desperate Can CBD Companies Get?

Marketing a brand through social media is both sensible and can result in strong results. In fact, marketing in general has been around for long enough that companies have access to all the data they need to peak potential customers interest. One proven marketing strategy is to use celebrity endorsements to add credibility to a brand. Paying a celebrity/influencer to endorse a product is an option for every kind of business these days, although not all celebrities participate in this sort of monetization strategy. Finding a true celebrity to endorse a CBD product is not as easy to find since the legality of CBD is still new relative to other mainstream products and most research out there is superficial at best.

It’s left some companies trying to make it in the industry desperate to find a way to sell their products. Some companies are so very desperate that they lie and move deep into the so-called gray area. One such company outright lied by fabricating a quote from one of the most famous actors in the world, Tom Hanks.

Dr. Oz is mentioned in the fake ad as well. He fired back more aggressively than Mr. Hanks and this is not the first time Dr. Oz has been used in a misleading ad campaign.

He added the scammers make millions a year, and their products could be dangerous.

“Most importantly, they could be putting your health at risk,” he said.

Those online scams have cost victims more than $1.3 billion in the last 10 years, according to the Better Business Bureau.

There are well-known athletes, podcasters, social influencers and others that will endorse CBD gummy bears, CBD oils, CBD edibles and more. But, none of them have the reach that an actor on the level of Tom Hanks has to make an impact on customers. In a world where countless amounts of revered celebrities have let their fans down by not having the most impeccable character or by even going so far as to commit crimes, a person like Tom Hanks is a diamond in the rough.

We believe in the benefits of CBD here at Sugar and Kush, but we also understand that more research is necessary for people to clearly understand the best ways that CBD could help them. Everyone needs a better understanding of what the right CBD dosage is for their body size, condition and current medication regimen. We are happy to wait and see what research uncovers, and in the meantime we will continue to provide the best quality CBD products available online.

Read more at Today.com.

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