5 Natural Ways to Use Unflavored Hemp Oil
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If you have ever looked at all-natural dry hemp, it’s a dark green earthy color and when finely ground up it looks like you could use it for mulch. It could in fact be a great mulch. However, the dark ground up flowers, leaves and stems do not at all resemble what your desired end product will look like if you want CBD oil. Many people craving all natural products want to just consume it fresh from the plant, unfortunately that is now how CBD products work. But, if you are interested in an all-natural hemp oil, the ground up hemp is where the process begins. It is full of CBDA and other cannabinoids like THCA. In order to create a non-psychoactive CBD hemp oil that won’t cause you to fail a drug test, you need to track down a very low-THC industrial hemp strain/cultivar. An unflavored hemp oil is being researched as a natural alternative for a number of common ailments, although research is still trying to understand it entirely.
Making an unflavored CBD oil is challenging and time consuming. It requires a lot of hemp flower, cooking tools, oil, some kitchen know how and patience. The intense preparation necessary to make an all-natural unflavored hemp oil is why most people would rather just buy CBD oil from a company that specializes in producing it and has it lab tested by a third party ISO 17025 certified lab to verify its CBD content. What most people do not understand about CBD is that it does not exist in the hemp plant by itself. Instead, hemp has CBDA in it which requires a process called decarboxylation to turn it into CBD that involves heating the raw hemp at a low temperature for roughly an hour. After that, it takes a long time to cook it at a low temperature mixed with a carrier oil. The leftover flower, stems and leaves need to then be separated from the oil, and even then there is no way to know for sure that you have the CBD oil you were hoping for.
Carrier Oils
Most oils used for cooking can work for a CBD oil, but some are better than others as a carrier of CBD. While that sounds kind of fancy, the oil literally carries the CBD through the body and some of them are better than others. The main property that makes one oil better than another as a carrier oil is the oil’s thickness. An extra virgin olive oil, vegetable oil or avocado oil tastes great in food and absorbs all sorts of tasty flavors when you cook with them. However, those sorts of thick oils move slowly through our bodies just like they do when you pour them out of the bottle. The digestive system is slow with these oils relative to thinner oils and the body metabolizes them more slowly. The typical reason a person considers using an unflavored hemp oil full of CBD is for its medicinal properties rather than how good it makes food taste. Therefore, thin coconut MCT oils are ideal for something like CBD oil, which is what Sugar and Kush CBD oil is made with for that very reason.
Bioavailability is something else to consider when making or choosing a CBD oil product. Bioavailability is how much of the CBD is absorbed by the body when it is administered. CBD baked goods and other CBD edibles work well but the digestion process can mean that it takes more than an hour before any effects may be felt. Again, the digestion process means the body has to metabolize the CBD before it can make it to affected areas. A lot of the CBD is lost during our body’s natural filtration process as well. It makes digestion probably the least bioavailable method of taking CBD. Vaping CBD or taking it sublingually skips the metabolism process which means effects can be felt sooner and that they are the most bioavailable methods of administration. Applying CBD oil topically either by rubbing it into the skin or putting it in CBD bath bombs is another way to administer CBD. It may be the least bioavailable method of using CBD and will likely only affect the area the CBD is applied to.
The sublingual method of administering CBD oil is simply dripping it under the tongue. Most bottles of CBD contain either a CBD 500mg or CBD 1000mg content. A bottle should come with a 1 ml dropper. Let’s say you have a 500 mg bottle, then 1 ml of CBD tincture will yield about 16 mgs of CBD while a 1000 mg bottle yields approximately 33 mgs of CBD per 1 ml. Simpy empty a full 1 ml dropper, or half depending on the CBD dosage you are looking for, under your tongue and let it sit there for about 15 seconds without swallowing it. You will then have successfully used the sublingual method of administering CBD which many people consider a way to skip over the metabolism process. It is one of the most bioavailable methods of administering CBD as well.
Cooking with CBD
While adding CBD oil to food is maybe the least bioavailable method of delivering CBD to your body, it may be the most fun. You just need to know that it will take a while for the soothing effects of CBD to start its magic, but as long as you determine a routine it is a great way to take CBD. Sugar and Kush offers multiple CBD edibles like CBD gummies and CBD baked goods. Sugar and Kush also makes sure that that edibles are made with the healthiest products. CBD is a wellness product, so you should make sure that you mix it with food that makes sense. It has no psychoactive effects, so there is really no reason to be anything but healthy with it.
You can also take CBD oil and add it to your own food. It works best with foods that are fatty. Again, staying healthy is important, so we aren’t talking about heavy saturated fat foods. Choose unsaturated fat foods like yogurt. The CBD has already bound itself to the oil in your CBD solution, so you can actually stick it any kind of food you want. But, just like oil separates itself from water, CBD separates from water. CBD is a nonpolar molecule that binds with other nonpolar molecules, not water which is a polar molecule. You can just drip some hemp oil over your salad or any finished product and eat it that way. You can also use your CBD oil just like you would with any cooking oil and simmer food with it.
You can just rub CBD oil right into your skin. If let’s say you have sore joints or muscles, try just rubbing the oil into the affected area. There is no medical evidence that CBD for pain is effective. If you are trying to find focus or relieve some widespread pain with CBD, then applying CBD topically is probably not the best method. Topical applications of CBD are not very bioavailable typically. You can also mix CBD into creams and soaps as well to apply it topically. Put a lot of it into a bath bomb and drop it into a nice hot tub if you want. It’s another fun method of taking CBD naturally and may help to pinpoint areas of discomfort with CBD.
Vaping CBD oil is another choice. Whether this an all-natural method of taking CBD is questionable. Vaping is a relatively new technology that heats the CBD without actually burning it. Burning anything breaks it into tiny particles, some of which can be toxic and lead to many respiratory issues and diseases. While vaping does not break up CBD oil like burning it would, whether or not you should use an organ as critical, sensitive and fragile as your lungs as a delivery method for anything is questionable. However, vaping CBD is a very bioavailable method of taking CBD. It will enter the bloodstream quickly after leaving the lungs.
The reality is that hemp oil is not some genetically modified product or something made from synthetic products. Therefore, hemp CBD oil is an all-natural product. You really cannot go wrong from a natural perspective. At Sugar and Kush, we believe that all-natural CBD products should be made with a healthy lifestyle in mind, and that people should administer it to their bodies in the healthiest of ways. For that reason, Sugar and Kush has made its CBD oil with the healthiest products. It’s made for diabetics, people with gluten allergies or people just looking to live a healthy lifestyle. It’s all natural and healthy to get the most out of the CBD.
Sugar & Kush CBD Helpful Links
Find out how CBD with no THC can be safe for drug tests.
Using CBD oil for anxiety and the benefits of using CBD Oil for anxiety are popular topics of studies world-wide.
Using CBD oil for pain can be a safe and effective way to find relief of symptoms for women.
CBD edibles can be an effective CBD product for pain relief, especially with our popular recipes for CBD baked goods.