In 2019 people sent out a lot of CBD tweets, some of which were very funny.

5 Hilarious CBD Tweets from 2019

One of the signatures of 2019, a year with many signatures, was the introduction of CBD products to the mainstream public. It’s popularity is undeniable. Still a mystery, CBD products of all sorts were advertised and promoted as being able to help with what seemed like all kinds of ailments. Here are some of the funniest CBD tweets I ran across embodying the feeling of the people towards the new hamp-based product.

The Joker, an insane movie based off the villain from the Batman comics, is drawing all sorts of attention. Joaquin Phoenix followed up the polarizing performance of Heath Ledger as the Joker in the Dark Knight movie, with his own stellar characterization in this origin story. An aspiring professional clown struggling with severe mental disorders worsened by societal pressures, The Joker touches on many internal challenges people contend with and flaws within our current society. The movie inspired the following tweet:

CBD gummies, vapes and oils were so heavily promoted in 2019 that some people got a little sick of hearing about them anymore. It seemed like everywhere you turned some friend or acquaintance was talking about it, an internet ad would pop up or some celebrity was swooning over CBD on TV. People were so focused on CBD that they were often not paying any attention to the world around them, inspiring this tweet.

So little is still known about CBD and so many claims were made about its benefits, that a lot of people just stopped believing what they were hearing and seeing. But, curiosity still made a lot of people try it regardless of their skepticism. In many ways it made people feel like they were conjuring their inner Hunter Thompson by trying hemp oil for the first time, which inspired the following tweet.

Companies were infusing CBD into every kind of product that you could imagine, some of which make no sense. I recently wrote about this CBD suit that a journalist tried for a week to see if it worked. It didn’t. Yet another reason why people became skeptical of many CBD products is that they were just marketed so hard. Some applications of CBD just don’t make sense and it got to be a little too much. Hence the following 2 tweets.

Now, we are in 2020 and people should be able to better understand the current state of the CBD industry. It is not psychoactive like taking medical or recreational cannabis which contains THC. However, some full spectrum CBD products still contain THC which has caused some people to even fail drug tests. Only products made from a pure CBD isolate that have been lab tested by a third party ISO 17025 accredited lab showing there is no THC can be trusted.

We are all waiting on more rigorous scientific research to understand any potential medical benefits. People need to understand the ways to administer CBD products so that it has a real chance of being absorbed by the body. There are CBD tinctures to be taken under the tongue sublingually. There are CBD vapes, CBD edibles and some CBD topicals that can work. Do your research and I am willing to bet you will find a way to fit CBD into your life.


Sugar & Kush CBD Helpful Links

Find out how CBD with no THC can be safe for drug tests.

Using CBD oil for anxiety and the benefits of using CBD Oil for anxiety are popular topics of studies world-wide.

Using CBD oil for pain can be a safe and effective way to find relief of symptoms for women.

CBD edibles can be an effective CBD product for pain relief, especially with our popular recipes for CBD baked goods.

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